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    8 Things MAG Needs To Succeed


    8 Things MAG Needs To Succeed Empty 8 Things MAG Needs To Succeed

    Post by Guest April 20th 2009, 6:21 pm

    RCE: http://www.thegameraccess.com/ps3/8-things-mag-needs-to-succeed/

    8 Things MAG Needs To Succeed Mag

    1. Weapons - This is obviously one of the most important things for
    any FPS title. Zipper needs to bring the pain with this category and
    provide players with hundreds of types of guns. The more guns the
    better, as it will help people stay interested in the game and allow
    people to form their own identity. Shotguns, SMG’s, MG’s, sniper
    rifles, grenades, and handguns, everything needs to be in abundance.
    Allow for each gun to have its own identity as much as possible, don’t
    make all the guns look different but shoot and sound the same. Also
    make sure that weapons customization is just as deep with different
    scopes, silencers, bullets, extended clips, laser sights, etc.
    2. Characters - This will allow each gamer to make their own unique
    character which is a big plus since there should be many, many people
    playing this game together at once. Gamers should be allowed to choose
    their height, sex (male or female), weight, skin color, facial and
    physical attributes, and attire. There should be many different types
    of gear such as camouflage and clothing, boots and footwear, head gear,
    eye wear, and accessories. If some of this stuff is unlockable based on
    the rank you achieve, great, but make sure you allow for a wide variety
    of customization from the very first time the game is booted up. This
    will allow the gamer’s avatar or character to have an identity that
    they can call their own.
    3. Support - If the same can eventually be said for MAG as was and
    is said about Warhawk, then MAG can potentially go a long, long way.
    Warhawk had great developer support and had quite a few booster packs
    and add-ons. MAG should follow suit and give gamers as much
    downloadable content as possible. Weapon DLC, character DLC, level or
    map pack DLC, plus anything else they would like to add through
    downloadable content and software updates. Free or paid doesn’t matter,
    just make it good.
    4. Stable Online and Gameplay - This obviously would kill the game
    if the online and the servers could not handle the game the way it was
    intended. This is mainly what ruined Socom: Confrontation and it showed
    in the sales numbers for the title. I do believe they have their work
    cut out for them, but I don’t believe they would even be attempting to
    make this game if the PSN could not handle it. My fingers are crossed
    on this one.
    5. Rank/Class System - Killzone 2 suffered from complaints about how
    easy it was to attain the top rank of General. Games like Call of Duty
    and Rainbow Six took quite awhile to achieve the top rank and unlock
    all the unlockable items you receive through this process. MAG needs to
    make sure the class system is very, very deep and offers people as much
    incentive as possible for leveling up. The game is online only, so this
    is probably one of the top 3 most important things the game needs.
    6. Game Modes - Zipper already announced 4 game modes with different
    amounts of players and different objectives for each game mode. There
    will be 3 different factions fighting against each other, so hopefully
    more game modes will be added for free through an update or a map pack
    later on.
    7. Graphics and Frame Rate - Zipper has already stated they intend
    to have the game running at 30 frames per second while all the action
    is happening, but this is important. The graphical quality of the game
    should be up to par with at least Socom, which looks decent. No matter
    what resolution they choose to allow players to play the game in, the
    graphical quality needs to be as polished as possible.
    8. Communication - This is not so much about the gameplay, but they
    need to bundle MAG with a headset. This will give people without one,
    the ability to obtain one. They should bundle it with the Sony headset
    just like they did with Socom: Confrontation.

    I do realize that a few of these things have been announced, but
    they really need to give us as many options as possible by giving us
    complete control over our soldier as far as customization and weapons
    are concerned. Make this game as deep as possible with as many features
    as possible and it will be more likely to succeed. I am definitely
    looking forward to this game and I hope it lives up to the expectations
    that myself and others have for it, including Sony and Zipper
    Interactive. MAG is slated for a December 2009 release date.

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